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WBCA 2025 Update

Treasury Update:

We have received approximately 50% of our 2024 dues, a notable increase from 35% in 2023. If you have not yet paid your 2024 dues or would like to confirm your payment, please visit our website or contact us via email. Online payment options are available for your convenience and to ensure proper financial management. 

Please note: 2025 dues are increasing to $40 to keep up with rising expenses. These dues contribute to various community needs, including snow plowing, street lighting (Delmarva Electric), care for common land, newsletters, and events like Trunk or Treat. We will be sending out a financial report this month.

Trash Service Update:

We are pleased to announce that we have reached 75% participation in our trash service program with Evergreen Waste Services and will be receiving the neighborhood discount on our February bill. Be sure to look for this discount, which more than covers the cost of your annual dues. Thank you to everyone who has participated—this effort benefits all of us!

New Civic Association Facebook Page:

Facebook and email are the most popular communication channels for Windybush residents. In response, we are launching a new official Civic Association Facebook page. This page will be managed by the board and will serve as an additional platform for updates and announcements, complementing our email communications. This will run alongside the existing community page most of us currently use.

Bridge Update:

We are excited to inform you that the walking bridge on Windybush Road, which connects our neighborhood to Old Windybush, will be replaced. Construction is scheduled to begin Tomorrow on Monday, January 6th, and will take several weeks to complete. We will send additional details regarding the bridge project in a separate communication.

Neighborhood Sign Update:

After navigating a lengthy administrative process, the Windybush Civic Association has received a $2,000 grant from New Castle County. This grant will serve two purposes: to reimburse the Civic Association for tree work completed on Chatham Place and to assist with replacing the sign that was damaged at the entrance to our neighborhood. The grant funds must be used for these specific purposes. In 2025, replacing the sign will be a top priority, and we will reach out to the community for input on design, ideas, and placement.

Neighborhood Directory:

We are in the process of creating a directory for dues-paying members, which will include addresses, emails, and phone numbers. If you would like to opt into this directory, please email us with your contact information. Additionally, to help us reduce costs, we are aiming to move to a paperless format for newsletters, which will save approximately $500 annually. Having accurate contact information for each household is crucial for sharing neighborhood updates.

Holiday Lights Challenge/Community Events: 

We appreciate everyone who participated in this new tradition and will be looking for more ways to bring us all together with some friendly competitions or social events. Share your ideas with us! We also need volunteers. If you have interests or want to help please contact us.

These are just a few of the initiatives we are currently working on. We will be holding a community meeting at the Swim Club in May, and we encourage you to attend. Thank you for your continued support and participation. We look forward to a successful year ahead. Should you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out—we are here to represent your interests.

Warm regards,

Your Windybush Civic Association

Kevin, Emily, Brian, Karl, & Greg


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